Dance - Cultural, Social, La Casa Affiliate Org, Cultural: Mixed Race, Yale College Student Org
Website Mission
Contact: Yair Guijosa-Torres, Isabel Nuno
Mission Casa de Bailes is an educational dance community at Yale dedicated to teaching various Latine music genres for social dancing. Our goal is to introduce these styles to non-dancers and those interested in Latine social dancing, offering opportunities they may not have had before. Through our “Dance History Archive" project, we provide resources on Latine music, dance examples, and music history for public learning. As a non-performance group, we emphasize creating inclusive spaces that foster community and welcome everyone. We host beginner-friendly workshops and socials (social dance opportunities), allowing students to learn, practice, and enjoy these dances in a comfortable environment. Our aim is to celebrate Latine culture and build a community characterized by love, trust, and belonging among Yale students of all dance backgrounds and experiences through Latine dance.
Membership Benefits
Lifetime membership