Yale Law Democrats
Weekly Update
Salutations Democrats,
As the moon slides across the sun today, let’s remind ourselves not to let anything eclipse our passion for a brighter tomorrow. We’ve got a week full of enlightening activities that promise to be as exciting as the celestial event overhead!
YLDems Updates
2024-25 YLDems BoardCongratulations to Gevin Reynolds, the duly elected YLDems President for the upcoming academic year! With advice and consent of non-conflicted members of the outgoing Board, Gevin will nominate the rest of the Executive Board later this week based on the slating applications we received. Stay tuned for that annoucement.
Priorities/Feedback Survey
Please fill out this form to help YLDems set its priorities for the 2024 election cycle and the coming academic year. This is just to gauge interest--you aren't committing to anything by filling out this form. Link here.
Upcoming YLDems Events
Reproductive Rights Litigation Panel – Thursday, April 11 at 12pm. Link HERE.
Please join the YLS Chapter of If/When/How: Lawyering for Reproductive Justice for an event called “Current Cases in Reproductive Rights Litigation” that will take place on Thursday, April 11, from 12:10pm-1:20pm in SLB 127. Panelists Linda Goldstein '85 (Senior Counsel, U.S. Litigation at the Center for Reproductive Rights); Paige Suelzle (Litigation Counsel at the Lawyering Project); and Yael Caplan '23 (Liman Fellow at Pregnancy Justice) will discuss the Center for Reproductive Rights' cases regarding the Texas abortion ban's medical exceptions, the Lawyering Project's right-to-travel cases in Idaho and Alabama, and Pregnancy Justice's lawsuit challenging an Alabama jail's treatment of pregnant detainees. Lunch will be served! Please register by 12pm on Tuesday, April 9th.
Co-sponsoring Organizations: YLDems, ACS, YHeLPS, YLW+, and PSR
A Conversation with Vanita Gupta – Thursday, April 11 at 6:00pm. Link HERE.
Vanita Gupta served as the 19th United States Associate Attorney General, the third-ranking official at the Department of Justice, from 2021 to 2024. Associate Attorney General Gupta supervised the Department’s civil litigating divisions—the Civil Division, Civil Rights Division, Antitrust Division, Tax Division, and Environment and Natural Resources Division, the Department’s grantmaking components—the Office of Justice Programs, Office on Violence Against Women, and Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office), as well as the Office for Access to Justice, Office of Information Policy, the Community Relations Service, the United States Trustees Program, and the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission.
General Body Meeting – Thursday, April 11 at 6:30pm. Link HERE.
Join the Yale Law Democrats for our first General Body Meeting in a long time. We aim to reflect on this past year and set the course for the year ahead. This meeting will serve as a platform for members to engage in meaningful discussions, share insights, and brainstorm strategies for 2024. Whether you've been deeply involved with us this year or just want to learn more about what we're doing, this will be an excellent opportunity to engage.
External Events This Week
A Fireside Chat with Mike Pyle, Former Deputy National Security Advisor to President Biden – Monday, April 8 at 12:10pm. Link HERE.
Please join ACS for a fireside chat on Economic Statecraft with Mike Pyle ’04, former Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economics and emissary to the G20, moderated by Professor Natasha Sarin, former Counsel to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen. At the White House, Pyle was key architect for the Biden Administration's international economic initiatives. At the NSC, he oversaw global trade and led the charge on public-private financial partnerships to build infrastructure projects around the world. He has also been closely involved in negotiations of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework, and oversaw critical mineral negotiations. In addition, he forged economic cooperation to limit Russian oil revenues and advocated for the Inflation Reduction Act to allies.
Sponsoring Organizations: American Constitution Society for Law & Policy
The Budget Lab Speaker Series featuring former Treasury Secretary Bob Rubin – Monday, April 8 at 4:10pm. Link HERE.
The Chae Initiative in Private Sector Leadership and The Ludwig Program in Public Sector Leadership are proud to co-sponsor The Budget Lab Series featuring the following: How economic policy is made with former Treasury Secretary Bob Rubin
Sponsoring Organizations: The Tsai Leadership Program
Leading in Crisis: A Conversation with Mayor Justin Elicker – Tuesday, April 9 at 6:10pm. Link HERE.
Join Mayor Justin Elicker in a conversation about leading in crisis. Moderated by Visiting Lecturer in Law and Tsai Leadership Senior Distinguished Fellow in Residence Luke Bronin ’06, former Mayor of Hartford.
Sponsoring Organizations: The Tsai Leadership Program
Local Response to Changes in Voting Rights Protections: Polling Place Closures Following Shelby County v. Holder – Wednesday, April 10 at 12pm. Link HERE.
Join Sanford C. Gordon, professor and chair of the Wilf Family Department of Politics at New York University, to examine the effect of the Supreme Court’s decision to remove the preclearance provisions of the Voting Rights Act on local decisions concerning the allocation of polling places.
Sponsoring Organizations: Institution for Social and Policy Studies (ISPS)
What’s at Stake: The Future of LGBTQ Rights, Health, and Health Care – Wednesday, April 10 at 12:10pm. RSVP HERE.
Join the Solomon Center for Health Law and Policy for an interdisciplinary discussion with leaders from the American Medical Association, Lambda Legal, and the Vanderbilt LGBTQ+ Policy Lab on the current landscape of LGBTQ legal protections, the implications for health and health care, and what’s at stake in the upcoming 2024 elections. Threats to LGBTQ people accessing, navigating, and receiving medical care, as well as to non-discrimination protections, will be emphasized, along with countermeasures that can be taken by attorneys, medical providers, and the public. RSVP required.
Sponsoring Organizations: Solomon Center for Health Law and Policy, YHeLPS, YLW+, Yale School of Medicine's Dean's Advisory Council, OutPatient
Job Opportunities
Biden for President. Multiple Positions. Apply Here.
The Biden Campaign is hiring for a host of positions across the country. If you'd like to get involved in making sure a Democrat stays in the White House, take a look at these opportunities and apply for positions that interest you.
Georgia Democrats - Multiple Positions. Apply HERE.
The Georgia Democrats are currently hiring for: Grassroots Outreach Staff, Finance Director, Communications Director, Organizing Director, Voter Protection Regional Manager, Voter Protection Poll Watching Program Manager, Deputy Voter Protection Director for Programs, & Voter Protection Hotline Manager.
Nevada Democratic Party Voter Protection and Access Director. Apply HERE.
The Nevada Democratic Party is looking for a talented and passionate Deputy Director to help lead our state’s Voter Protection and Access program. In this role, you will help ensure all eligible Nevadans are able to cast their ballot in 2024 and help elect Democrats up and down the ticket! The Voter Protection and Access program will focus on election administration and opportunities to enhance voting access prior to Election Day, as well as a robust voter education and protection operation during the voting period.
As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Board.
Democratically yours,
The YLDems Board