Banner for The Roar of the Marañón- Documentary Screening Q and A with the Dorector

The Roar of the Marañón- Documentary Screening Q&A with the Dorector

by Energy SIG

Film and Media Screenings

Tue, Nov 14, 2023

5:30 PM – 7 PM EST (GMT-5)

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"A chorus of voices calls out from the Marañon canyon, in protest against two planned mega-dams. The dams would flood villages, unique forests and rock paintings yet to be studied. What would the consequences be of interrupting this ancient, vital connection between the Andes and the Amazon?"

The Energy SIG is organizing a screening of the documentary, "The Roar of the Marañón" on Nov 14, 2023 followed by a Q&A with the director, Bruno Monteferri. With this documentary, Brouno seeks to answer the question above with footage filmed during more than 6 years of travel on the Marañón River and its surrounding communities. The voices of local populations, specialists, and activists guide this documentary and reveal the need to protect the river from the planned mega-dam projects.