Welcome to the
Yale Food Law Society

About Us

The Yale Food Law Society (FoodSoc) is a nonpartisan community that promotes the study of and engagement with food and agriculture law and policy. FoodSoc advocates an approach that is economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable.

A Message from the Board

Welcome to YLS!

We invite you to join the Food Law Society (FoodSoc). FoodSoc is a nonpartisan community that promotes the study of and engagement with food law and policy. We host speakers and organize events that explore how the law can contribute to the creation of a more just and sustainable food system. In addition to hosting formal events that highlight the intersection of the food system and the law, we host regular social events.

Because our topic is extremely broad, it offers room to collaborate with many different groups, both inside and outside of the law school. We work closely with the Yale Sustainable Food Project, Yale Animal Law Society, Yale Environmental Law Society and a host of other YLS student groups to co-sponsor events. We try to work with and learn from community groups in New Haven and Connecticut working on these issues as well. We invite FoodSoc members to create new projects and contact the board with any other ideas!

We are also excited to find 1L board members. Please contact Manny if interested.

Be on the lookout for our first community dinner of the year in early September. We look forward to meeting you!


The Yale Food Law Society (Food Soc) promotes the study of and engagement with food law and policy. Food Soc works at the forefront of this nascent field to create community and connect students with opportunities to learn from practitioners, professors, and policymakers tackling local, national, and global issues of food law and policy. Through such work, Food Soc advocates for building a food system that is sustainable and just.

E: foodsociety@yale.edu

Yale Food Law Society

New Haven CT 06520
United States