Graduate School of Arts & Sciences (GSAS) Administration - Administrative
Website Mission
Contact: Email group officers
Mission Welcome to this group for students who have been admitted to Yale Graduate School, OR who have accepted the offer of admission, to begin studies in Fall 2021. In this group you can find information on life at Yale GSAS and New Haven, attend virtual events, ask questions, and meet other prospective students (looking for house-mates, maybe?). We will share info about events and resources to prospective and new students here. Post your questions on the feed or email us at gsas.newstudents@yale.edu
Membership Benefits
This group is for students who have been admitted to Yale Graduate School-GSAS, all degree and non-degree programs. Admitted students will be added to the group weekly on a batch basis once admitted in Spring 2021. Normally, the non-Yale email address from Admissions is the account added to this group. If you are not yet a member, but have been admitted, let us know at gsas.newstudents@Yale.edu
More details required: If you have been offered admission to GSAS in the past 10 days but not yet added to group membership, please give your name, email and Yale dept or program of study.
Lifetime membership