Holiday Auction: Exchange Items and Friendship

by Office of International Students & Scholars

Social International

Fri, Dec 8, 2023

5:30 PM – 7:30 PM EST (GMT-5)

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Private Location (register to display)




Join us for a unique and heartwarming event where the spirit of friendship and the joy of storytelling come together in a meaningful exchange. Our "Holiday Auction: Exchange Items and Friendship" is an opportunity for people from all walks of life to connect, share their cherished items, a good gift for the holiday season, and forge new friendships through the art of barter and storytelling.

Pizza will be provided and open to the Yale community! Details below!

Item Presentation: Participants should bring one special item that holds personal significance and that you are going to exchange. This could be a book, a piece of art, a trinket, a souvenir, a key chain, a candle, a mug, or anything except food with a story behind it. You can bring something from home, or something homemade, or something you've purchased. The value should be under $25.

Upon arrival at OISS, presenters draw lots to determine the order of the auction.

Storytelling: Each presenter takes the stage to share the story behind their chosen item. What makes it special? What memories are associated with it? Why is it meaningful to them? This presentation should be no more than 5 minutes long. 

Bidding and Exchange: Attendees, or "bidders," have the opportunity to bid on the items presented. However, in this unique twist on a traditional auction, the winning bidder doesn't pay with money. Instead, they offer their own item and the story behind it in exchange for the presenter's item.

Bidders will raise their hands to bid on the items presented. If there are more than one bidder, they need to compete with each other by telling the story. The presenter must choose one to exchange their item.

Successful bidder won't be able to present anymore, since they don't have their original items with them. However, they can still raise their hands and keep bidding. All they need to do is to tell the story of the item they hold. 

Everyone must exchange at least once by the end of the auction.

The Art of Barter: Participants negotiate and barter with each other to find a meaningful exchange. It's not about the monetary value; it's about the personal connection and the story behind each item.

Friendship Building: As items change hands, friendships are formed. The act of sharing stories and exchanging items creates a bond that goes beyond material possessions.

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