Welcome to Run L!

Yale Law School's official running group

JOin us on groupme

About Us

Run L began in the fall of 2020 as a group of Zoom-fatigued 1Ls looked for a way to build community in pandemic-safe ways. What started as a GroupMe for people to find running partners evolved into weekly group runs, track workouts, and breakfast sandwiches.

The Run L community has grown to include students of all class years, LLMs, and alums. We hope to continue the tradition of letting YLS students relieve stress, socialize safely, and enjoy the physical and mental benefits of regular fitness.

Run with us!

Our trademark traditions are a Thursday morning group run, starting at 7:15 from the YLS sign, and a Saturday morning track workout, beginning at 9 at the Wilbur Cross HS track. These happen every week, rain or shine.

Otherwise, group runs are organized on the fly through our GroupMe. Let people know in the chat if you're looking for company on a run, and join the runs that others propose!


The focus of Run L is building community. That means no one ever runs alone on our runs. Our group runs are no-drop, and our Saturday runs on the track are interval focused, allowing everyone to go at their own pace while staying a part of the group. NO running experience is necessary to join!

Wellness and mental health

Regular exercise has been proven to reduce student stress, boost student wellbeing, and combat anxiety and depression. By organizing weekly group runs, Run L provides students with a way to structure fitness into their routines and promote healthy habits.


Run L provides an excellent outlet for YLS students to meet one another. Just this year, our regular workouts spawned close friendships both within and across class years. First-year Run L members have also expressed gratitude for the opportunity to meet older students, who provide mentorship in a more informal context.

Inclusivity and accessibility

Run L enables all students, regardless of fitness background or financial circumstances, to enjoy the benefits of regular fitness. This semester, we are hoping to make running more inclusive by subsidizing registration fees and other costs of entering races.

Thanks for your enquiry, we'll be in touch shortly.

Our leadership team includes the following students: Daniel Browning, Nellie Conover-Crockett, Melissa Gutwein, Bryce Morales, Ross Puritty, and Carter Squires.

Please feel free to reach out to any of us via email, GroupMe, or using this form.



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