Diversity and Representation (Student Orgs) - Cultural, AACC Affiliate Org, AfAm Affiliate Org, Yale College Student Org
Website Mission
Contact: Karim Najjar, Lara Mohamed, Email group officers
Mission Vision: To create an interactive forum on Yale campus, and promote the ASA's mission on other campuses across the country, where members can explore and share all political, cultural, social and other aspects of the Arab world. Mission:*To spread an understanding of the Arab world, its cultures, and current issues that affect the region.*To bridge the various cultural gaps between the Arab World and the United States.*To strive for the breaking down of stereotypes and the growth of a concrete and sincere representation of the Arab world's diverse components. *To create a network and forum where Arab Student Associations across the country can collaborate and share resources. *To be a voice for the Arab population on campus. *To reach out to the greater Yale and New Haven community, making the ASA a campus-
Membership Benefits
Lifetime membership