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Welcome to Yale Poker Club, a welcoming environment of quantitative, risk-seeking, and friendly individuals who happen to love playing cards. Throughout the year, we run weekly live games, freeroll tournaments, poker workshops, and compete in intercollegiate poker tournaments. We grow together as decision-makers with analytical approaches to the game, constantly seeking ways to improve our edge. YPC welcomes poker players of all levels. Whether you are a seasoned player or simply interested in the game, join us!

If you have questions about YPC or are eager to join the community, feel free to reach out.


Thank you to our generous sponsors for supporting YPC!

If you are interested in sponsoring Yale Poker Club, we encourage you to get in touch with us at nicholas.ribeiro@yale.edu . We will provide you with our official sponsorship package, which outlines the various levels of sponsorship and the associated benefits that you can enjoy at each level.


Meet the officers of Yale Poker Club.

Nicholas Ribeiro

Nicholas Ribeiro


Neil Shah

Neil Shah

President Emeritus

Dexter Wells

Dexter Wells


Oleg Laskov

Oleg Laskov


Warner Hoshide

Warner Hoshide


Anuj Sakarda

Anuj Sakarda


Oleg Laskov

Jeffrey Zhou


Warner Hoshide

John Liu


Anuj Sakarda

Zane Glick


Contact Us

Get in touch with Yale Poker Club below for membership questions, sponsorship inquiries, or anything else.

Nicholas Ribeiro (nicholas.ribeiro@yale.edu)