Welcome to Yale Divinity School
by YDS Before the Fall Orientation
Back to Before The Fall Orientation 1.0 - YDS 1st Year Students 2021
Quad Tent
409 Prospect Street, New Haven, CT 06511, United States
Gather in the Quad Tent for welcome and introductions from:
Hopie Randall ’11 MDiv, Associate Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid
Gregory E. Sterling, Dean of Yale Divinity School
Joyce A. Mercer ’84 MDiv, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Sarah B. Drummond ’93 BA, Founding Dean, Andover Newton at Yale
Andrew McGowan, Dean and President of Berkeley Divinity School
Martin Jean, Director of the Institute of Sacred Music
Awet Andemicael ‘10 MAR, Associate Dean of Marquand Chapel
Mary Inge ’22 MDiv, YDS Student Body President
Jeanne Peloso, Associate Dean of Student Affairs
Jamal Davis Neal, Jr. ’24 MDiv/MSW, BTFO Coordinator