Yale Divinity ID Pick-Up
by YDS Before the Fall Orientation
Back to Before The Fall Orientation 1.0 - YDS 1st Year Students 2021
YDS Quad
409 Prospect Street, New Haven, CT 06511, United States
First-year students: Welcome to YDS!
The Registrar’s office will be providing opportunities to obtain your Yale ID during the afternoon of Tuesday, August 24th. Pickup times will be based on the first letter of your surname. With community safety in mind, these time slots have been established to regulate the flow of bodies and to reduce potential crowding. If at all possible please try to come during your assigned slot. ID pickup will be held in the YDS quad (follow the signs) and we ask that everyone wear a mask when approaching the pick-up table.
Between 1pm and 2pm for last names beginning with A through C and L through O
Between 2pm and 3pm for last names beginning with D through G and P through T
Between 3pm and 4pm for last names beginning with H through K and U through Z
If you cannot come during your assigned time slot you may come between 4 and 4:30 pm on Tuesday, August 24th or between 8:30 and 9:00 am on Thursday, August 26th. If none of these times work, please contact lisabeth.huck@yale.edu
We are looking forward to meeting you as you begin your YDS adventure!