YDS Women's Center

Become part of our vibrant community.


About Us

The YDS Women's Center is a community and space that is welcoming and accepting of all people, genders, races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, dis/abilities, nationalities, and more. We strongly believe there is deep beauty and wisdom in all women, and it is our duty to seek out and honor this. We are committed to the advocacy of issues involving women, for women, and to all who identify as women. We will provide accurate and up to date information about women's health, gender-based discrimination, racism, feminism, sexism, misogyny, transphobia, homophobia, allyship and other topics. We accept the responsibility to grow, reflect on our own failings, situate our social locations, ask for help, and strive to be better allies. We promise to work collaboratively with other women, groups, and people on and off campus. We pledge to support all women in times of agreement and controversy. In short, the YDS Women's Center is and will commit itself to creating a safe and brave space on campus where women and allies can gather; share resources, knowledge and stories; and honor what it means to be a woman.

Executive Board

Lizzie Chiarovano Profile

Lizzie Chiarovano

President or Chair
Icy McKether Profile

Icy McKether

Beverly Love Profile

Beverly Love










Members Benefits

Events & Activities

Be the first to know about what we have planned and add our group calendar to your schedule.

Exclusive Resources


Meeting new students with shared interest

YDS Women's Center Questionnaire

If you are interested in getting involved, please fill out this questionnaire as a way to get to know you, to learn about your interests, and to get an idea of what discussions/activities you would like to see happen at the Women's Center.

A Herstory of Yale Divinity School: Women at YDS, 1907–Today
