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Monte Mills is currently a Professor and Co-Director of the Margery Hunter Brown Indian Law Clinic at the Alexander Blewett III School of Law at the University of Montana. Prior to joining the law school, he served as Director of the Legal Department for the Southern Ute Indian Tribe (Colorado) where he worked on a variety of natural resource issues on the Tribe's behalf. Mills has taught a variety of Indian law-related courses, including Native American Natural Resources Law, in which he utilizes a textbook of the same name that he recently joined as a co-author, along with Professors Judith V. Royster, Michael C. Blumm, and Elizabeth Ann Kronk Warner (Native American Natural Resources Law (Carolina Academic Press, 4th ed. 2018)). In addition, Mills co-authored A Third Way: Decolonizing the Laws of Indigenous Cultural Preservation (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2020), which focuses on tribally-led reforms to federal and state cultural protection laws. He is also the author of numerous law review and other articles, as well as amicus briefs submitted to the United States Supreme Court (Herrera v. Wyoming, No. 17-532 (2019)) and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.
Dr. Frances Roberts-Gregory is a feminist political ecologist and Climate Justice Program Officer for the Foundation for Louisiana. Dr. Roberts-Gregory earned a BA in Sociology and Anthropology from Spelman College and later completed a Future Faculty Fellowship at Northeastern University and earned a PhD in Environmental Science, Policy, & Management from UC Berkeley. From 2019-2021, she taught courses on gender, environmental justice, and sustainable development at Tulane University, Bard Early College New Orleans, and the University for Peace in Costa Rica. Dr. Roberts-Gregory has also spoken at UNFCCC COP25 and COP26 press conferences and formerly consulted for the Deep South Center for Environmental Justice and the City of New Orleans and C40 Women4Climate Mentorship Program. She currently serves as a co-founding member of the Feminist Agenda for a Green New Deal and as an advisory board co-chair for the HIVE Fund for Climate & Gender Justice. Reach Dr. Roberts-Gregory via her website blackngreenphd.org.
Food Provided (Food will be provided to YLS students who attend in-person!)
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