Perspectives on Corporate Climate Action
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Yair Listokin is Deputy Dean and the Shibley Family Fund Professor of Law at Yale Law School. His scholarship studies tax law, corporate law, bankruptcy law, contract law, and the law of central banking. His research emphasizes a macroeconomic perspective that differs dramatically from the microeconomic perspective that dominates law and economics. He recently co-authored a paper called “Valuing ESG,” arguing that translating non-pecuniary ESG goals into dollar values will enable ESG to fulfill its promise.
Madison Condon is an Associate Professor at Boston University School of Law and an expert on climate change, financial risk, and regulation. Her research has been relied upon by the US Securities and Exchange Commission and the US Department of Labor in rulemakings. The President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology pointed to her work criticizing financial models in its recommendations for managing extreme weather risk. In 2023, Professor Condon joined the United Nations Principles of Responsible Investment Academy Network Advisory Committee.
Jamie Rubin is a Visiting Lecturer in Law at Yale Law School and the Chief Investment Officer of Aligned Climate Capital. He was appointed Chairman of the Board of the New York City Public Housing Authority (NYCHA) in mid-2023. He was previously the CEO of Meridiam NA. Rubin was Director of State Operations for the State of New York and Commissioner of the state Department of Homes and Community Renewal Redevelopment (HCR) and the New York Director of the President’s Hurricane Sandy Recovery and Rebuilding Task Force as well as a Senior Advisor to HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan. This spring he is co-teaching a seminar here at YLS called “Climate Grand Strategy: The Political Economy of the Clean Energy Transition.”
Nate Loewentheil is a Visiting Lecturer in Law at Yale Law School and the founder and managing partner of Commonweal Ventures. He has been an angel and venture investor for 15 years, serving on the boards of many early-stage technology companies. He served in the Obama White House as a Special Assistant to the President at the National Economic Council, where he advised on emerging technology, transportation, and clean energy. This spring he is co-teaching a seminar here at YLS called “Climate Grand Strategy: The Political Economy of the Clean Energy Transition.”
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Co-hosted with: Yale Law & Business Society
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