Postdoctoral Affairs - Academic, Administrative
Website Mission
Contact: Dhruv Khanduja, Tae Ji Lee
Mission The Yale Postgraduate Association (YPGA) works to enhance the experience and development of the postgraduate community. Through a combination of educational initiatives and social activities, the YPGA assists postgraduate scholars in obtaining the skills necessary to pursue academic and non-traditional careers in science and beyond. We nurture a diverse, inclusive community through the following pillars: -To connect postgrads through mailing lists and in-person events. -Organizing career development events, networking, and social engagement events.-Build a sense of community amongst postgraduates.-Serve as a voice for postgraduates.-Encouraging inclusion and diversity among all postgraduate scholars at Yale University and advocating on their behalf to achieve a supportive and enriching environment.-Strengthening the skills of postgraduate scholars as both mentors and mentees by facilitating access to opportunities for mentorship training and experience.
Membership Benefits
Lifetime membership