YSE Office of DEI and The Poynter Fellowship, Welcome Syris Valentine
Registration is now closed (this event already took place).
As disasters mount and the global climate further destabilizes, the task before us is no longer simply to cut carbon quick as we can manage. We must prepare to inhabit a wounded world hostile to the human project at the same time we seek to heal it. But the economic and political systems of today, the systems that created the crises before us, are ultimately inadequate for that task.
To step to the challenge of coping with the climate crisis, we must identify and enact solutions that allow us to take meaningful steps to addressing the problems directly before us while constructing new ways of living, being, and relating that allow us as individuals, communities, and countries to live in right relation to the planet.
In this talk, Syris will discuss the limitations of our current approach to climate change, the alternatives that people are already experimenting with, and what it will take for those solutions to achieve their transformative potential.
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