Sat, Sep 28, 2024

2 PM – 6 PM EDT (GMT-4)

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The Harvest Festival is back! The Harvest Festival is an annual event hosted by School Forests and Quiet Corner Initiative to bring landowners, students, and friends of the Forest together to celebrate the abundance that the land and forest have to offer. This year, the festival features live music, a communal potluck and pig roast, apple cider making, timber games, rooster calling competition, campfire, and more.

2 pm: Welcome and Cider-making
3 pm: XCut saw competition and timber games
3:45 pm: Open mic and rooster calling competition
4 pm: Live music
5 pm: Bonfire

- Carpool and Bus Sign-Up: link
- Potluck Sign-Up: link

*BYO: cup, plate, fork to minimize waste
**BYOB (apple cider will be provided)
***BYO container/jug for cider-making
Food Provided (Potluck style. Bring food to share with the community)