Reach Out

Dean Nancy Angoff (203) 737-2169 or cell phone (203) 606-1707, is available at any time to speak with you regarding any problems whether they are of a personal, academic or career nature. Dr. Angoff does not serve as a personal counselor to you but will work closely with you to make sure that you are directed to and receive the help that you need.y.

The Peer Advocates program was created to provide students with non-threatening peer listeners who are available at any time of day or night, to confidentially discuss strategies, reality-test, brainstorm solutions when encountered with challenging personal, academic, or professional situations and point students in the direction of appropriate resources.

One-on-one appointments can be made via the Chat with a Chaplain form, by reaching out to one of the chaplains directly through email found on the staff bios, or by calling the office at (203) 432-1128.