Research Opportunities

Yale Cancer Center is a hub of innovation and cutting-edge research. Explore the research going on at Yale through designated research programs or even by disease. We are actively working on a compiling a resource that includes all of the YCC PIs and the research they work on.

Yale Cancer Center Research Programs

Cancer Immunology

Improve the understanding of the host response to cancer and to discover and test novel approaches to harness that response to improve patient outcomes

Cancer Epidemiology

Explore the associations between microbial infections and human cancer and accelerates clinical applications of basic science findings

Cancer Prevention & Control

Prevent and control cancer by identifying factors that contribute to cancer development and outcomes, and conducting interventions to address these factors

Cancer Signaling Networks

Understand fundamentals of key pathways that drive carcinogenesis and cancer progression, with the goal of enabling development and improvement of effective targeted cancer therapeutics

Developmental Therapeutics

Bridge drug discovery and experimental therapeutics to translate preclinical discoveries and treatment strategies into the clinic

Genomics, Genetics & Epidemiology

Make field-changing discoveries, develop impactful novel analytical tools, and translate these discoveries into new therapies and diagnostic tests

Radiology & Radiobiology

Elucidate pathways of cancer biology that impact radiation therapy and conduct innovative clinical and translational research to improve radiation therapy