Morgan Baker
Vice President of Finance
Anthony Cosentino
Vice President of Scholarship
Sam Cai
Vice President of Scholarship
Gabriel Klapholz
Vice President of Academic Development
Riler Holcombe
Vice President of Academic Development
Nicole Plante
Vice President of Professional Development
Eli Sabin
Vice President of Community Engagement
Drew Jones
1L Representative
Emily Ma
1L Representative
Tal Feldman
1L Representative
Mitchell Zufelt
1L Representative
Ilani Nurick
1L Representative
Andrew Lou
1L Representative
Matthew Sexton
1L Representative
Trisha Prabhu
1L Representative
Michael Cheng
1L Representative
Elias Kaul
1L Representative
Shah Khan
1L Representative
Amina Elgamal
1L Representative
Jason Hug
1L Representative
Liam Galey
1L Representative
Jonah Hirsch
1L Representative
Brady Worthington
1L Representative
Katerina Kaganovich
1L Representative