BIOMES: Dr. Narasimha Rao, Associate Professor of Energy Systems, Yale School of the Environment, presents "Advancing Human Wellbeing in Energy Research: Recent Findings and Future Directions"
Kroon Hall - Burke Auditorium & Zoom
195 Prospect Street, New Haven, CT 06511, United States
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About the Seminar:
For decades, energy researchers have sought to understand the energy needs of human development. However, research methods and policy analysis have been rooted in aggregate economic relationships that ignore the heterogeneity and multidimensionality of the human condition. How should we then understand how to rapidly transition to a clean economy without exacerbating persistent poverty and inequality? In recent decades, improved modeling and data analysis tools have enabled new innovative approaches to characterizing household-level outcomes. These methods include defining new multidimensional indicators for the material underpinnings of a ‘decent life’ and tying them using industrial ecology and energy modeling methods to environmental impact. I discuss several research advances that reveal synergies between poverty eradication, inequality reduction and climate mitigation in the Global South. These findings debunk conventional wisdom about the ‘climate-development conflict’. This work also identifies limitations of sustainable development indicators related to energy poverty. I also discuss new approaches using new datasets created with AI to study how climate policies in the US can benefit disadvantaged communities. In the future, such empirical work can also inform how household behavior is represented in energy models that project the adoption of clean energy technologies.
About the Series:
Over the last twelve years, the Yale School of the Environment has held a weekly seminar series, called BIOMES, which has been the School’s flagship forum for bringing cutting-edge research and impactful work to the community. BIOMES stands for ‘Bridging Issues & Optimizing Methods in Environmental Studies”
The series is a community-sourced and student-led effort designed to bring different perspectives to YSE’s main stage.
Past Events
6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
Yale School of the Environment Master's and Ph.D. candidates are invited to join BIOMES speaker Dr. Rao for dinner on the evening of his seminar at a local New Haven restaurant.
To attend the dinner, you must also attend the 12:00 PM talk led by Dr. Rao hosted in Burke Auditorium or via Zoom.
Registration is first come first serve for these opportunities, which are open to students of the YSE Community only.
Registration opens two weeks before the event.
Kroon Hall - Burke Auditorium & Zoom
195 Prospect Street, New Haven, CT 06511, United States
Hosted By
Co-hosted with: BIOMES
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