Conference Schedule

Here you will find our conference schedule. The information below contains all you need to know to for the day-of-events. From the outline of your conference day, parking/directions, to the presenters for each session and workshops!

Conference Day Schedule Outline

8:15 AM: Morning Registration

8:55 AM: Welcome

9:00 AM: Opening remarks, Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim

9:20 AM: Keynote presentation, Dr. Mary-Jane Rubenstein

10:25 AM: Student presentations, Morning

11:30 AM - 12:15 PM: Marquand chapel service (or) Guided Meditation with Sam King

Noon: Lunch

1:10 PM: Student Presentations, Early Afternoon

2:20 PM: Creative Workshops: Session 1

3:20 PM: Break

3:40 PM: Student presentations, Late Afternoon

4:50 PM: Creative Workshops: Session 2

6:00 PM: Closing reception begins

The conference concludes at 7 PM


To see our 2024 presenters visit the presentations page here!

Click on the image of the presenter to read their biography and paper abstract.


To see our creative workshops and the leaders for each one, please visit the workshops page here.

Our workshop leaders include:

  • Diego Ellis Soto
  • Liz MacWhirter
  • Sam King
  • Katie Davis
  • Max Del Bosque
  • Esther Mathieu

Keynote Speaker

Meet our Keynote speaker Dr. Mary-Jane Rubenstein.

You can read her bio and find the keynote details for “The Monstrous Mixture of Things: Pantheist Entanglements” here.

Getting Around

For parking recommendations and day-of directions, visit here.