Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law, and Ethics


Submission Guidelines

Submissions to the Journal are peer-reviewed by a wide array of nationally recognized experts and academics in a variety of health-related disciplines. YJHPLE also receives advice and guidance from our distinguished Advisory Board. More than 50 student members from Yale's graduate and professional schools edit the Journal and oversee its production.

The breadth of scope and format of the Journal is indicative of its interdisciplinary intent. Each issue contains some or all of the following sections:

  • Articles: 2-4 articles
  • Commentaries: 1-2 shorter length discussions of developments in the field or policy proposals
  • Case studies: Interdisciplinary debates between several authors on a given topic or case
  • Student notes: up to 2 pieces of student scholarship

To submit, please follow the guidelines below:

  1. Provide your current address, telephone number, email address, and CV.
  2. Submissions should be typed, double-spaced and preferably in 12 pt. Times New Roman Font.
  3. Include a 250-word abstract of your article.
  4. Please provide source information in consecutively numbered footnotes.
  5. Tables and Figures with titles should be included on separate sheets. Placement of tables and figures should be specifically cited within the text.
  6. Please include a second version (for example a *.pdf file) that does not contain the author's names anywhere in the article. If an article cites other work by the author, please redact that in this version's footnotes.
  7. All foundations or other external sources of funding used to support the research should be included in the Acknowledgements.
  8. We have no official minimum or maximum word count. In general, we strive to publish works that are around 20,000 words in length not including footnotes.
  9. Although we are an interdisciplinary journal, we are primarily a legal publication. Therefore, we do conform to the Bluebook citation style. Please read about our Editorial Style below.
  10. If your submission does not conform to the Bluebook citation style, we are willing to internally review it. However, compliance is required if we decide to send your piece out for peer review.

Guidelines for Student Scholarship Submissions

  1. We accept student scholarship from Yale and non-Yale students. Please contact yjhple.submissions@yale.edu with any questions.
  2. Notes submitted to YJHPLE should examine issues at the intersection of law, medicine, policy, and/or ethics. A Note is an original student-written piece that advances a particular area of scholarship beyond its current state; a good Note should be fresh and insightful, and not simply restate the existing literature. A Comment is a brief original work which analyzes and remarks on a recent policy development, legislative action, judicial decision, or piece of scholarship pertaining to health policy, law, or ethics.
  3. We no longer use a specific submission period or deadline; Notes are Comments read and evaluated on a rolling basis.

Editorial Style

The style of the Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law, and Ethics conforms to the conventions of The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (21st ed. 2020).

Unlike many law journals, YJHPLE is peer-reviewed by leading experts in relevant fields. We have found that this additional review stage greatly enhances our evaluation and editing processes.

Pieces under serious consideration will be submitted to a relevant, qualified peer reviewer — generally a member of our Advisory Board. The peer reviewer will respond with either "yes," "no," or "revise and resubmit." A "yes" answer is appropriate when the peer reviewer feels that the piece is publishable in its present form (i.e., some revisions may be advisable but overall the piece is in publishable form). A "revise and resubmit" answer means that while the piece is not currently in publishable form, the peer reviewer feels that with some substantial revisions the piece could become worthy of publication. A "no" answer means that the revisions required would be too substantial to merit requesting them from the author. The peer reviewer will provide a brief summary of his/her evaluation and/or suggestions for improvement. If the peer reviewer returns a "revise and resubmit" answer, these comments will be incorporated into a letter sent to you by the Submissions Editors.

Please keep in mind that due to our reliance on peer review, our submission process is considerably slower compared to traditional legal publications, which rely exclusively on student editors.

Contact Us

If you have any further questions, please contact us at yjhple@yale.edu.

Please send your submission to:

We accept both Email and Scholastica submissions. Please email submissions to: yjhple.submissions@yale.edu

Please note that we no longer accept or require hard copy submissions. All submissions should be made electronically.


The Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law, and Ethics wishes to thank the Oscar M. Ruebhausen Fund for their financial support of its submissions software.