Submissions & Subscriptions

Submissions Overview

We are delighted to review any work submitted to us. While we do not commission articles and cannot guarantee publication, we welcome material from a variety of sources. In making publication decisions, the Journal must take into account a number of concerns, including not only our overall vision for the Journal but also balance and variety among pieces, coverage of topics of current interest, and issue length. We would be happy to review your article and we will notify you approximately four weeks after notification of receipt about whether we will be able to publish it (though it may take longer during certain times of the year, including summer and exam time!). While we have no strict submission deadlines, we generally need to have articles for the Fall term issue (published in January) by the first week in June. Articles for the Spring term issue (published in June) should generally be in our office by the first week in November.

Submissions Instructions

Submissions should be typed and double spaced. The Yale Journal of Law and Feminism follows The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (21st ed.) for typefaces and footnotes. We strongly encourage and prefer electronic submissions, which you can email to us at as an attachment (preferably in .doc format).

The Yale Journal of Law and Feminism is committed to publishing scholarship on gender, sexuality, and the law, especially insofar as the law structures, affects, or ignores the experiences of women and other marginalized peoples. We encourage the submission of articles, essays, and reviews concerning this intersection of law and feminism. As we promote feminist principles to our readers, we also practice those principles ourselves. All members contribute to our Journal's management, making major decisions through modified consensus.

Subscription Pricing

Please visit for more information about pricing.