Cosmosis is a three-part Apple TV mini-series exploring the startling reality of the UFO phenomenon and its profound implications for every facet of human knowledge. Featuring top experts, bleeding-edge theories, and fresh insights, this docuseries reveals how these discoveries could reshape humanity's understanding of its place in the cosmos.
We will screen the first episode of the series and include Q&As with the members of Ontocaplyse Productions, who produced the series. The plan will be a 15 minute intoduction by the team, followed by screening their 60 minute episode, followed by a Q&A with the three leaders of Ontocalypse.
Kelly Chase (Writer & Executive Producer) is also host of The UFO Rabbit Hole, ranked in the top 1% of global podcasts on Spotify in 2023.
Jay Christopher King (Director & Executive Producer) is also co-founder of The Experiencer Group, a community for anomalous experiencers of all kinds.
Jordan Flowers (CFO & Executive Producer) is the CFO of Ontocalypse, with 20 years of experience in finance, operations, and investing. Jordan is also a Board Member of the non-profit UAP Disclosure Fund.
We are currently planning a series of events with the leadership team of AIAA UAP, the Integration and Outreach Commission of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena.
See their news and events and research papers for information. See also their podcast run by their Chair Ryan Graves.
Graves is a fighter pilot instructor who initiated pilot reporting mechanisms, and whose squadron filmed the famous GIMBAL video (see here). See his 2023 Congressional Testimony and his appearance on the Lex Fridman podcast.
In-person speaker event with the Leadership Team of AIAA UAP, hosted by Ryan Graves.
Description: The talk will discuss the state of play in the UAP space. We will discuss broader aspects of national security, aviation safety, and how the threat posed by UAP undermine operational security and public safety.
Zoom-style speaker event with Rex Groves, Chair of the Hardware Factors Team of AIAA UAP.
Description: The hardware factors group at AIAA UAP is composed of a world-class team of experts with diverse and advanced backgrounds in aerospace engineering, physics, electrical engineering, mathematics, and data science. The group brings unparalleled expertise to the detection, characterization, and evaluation of UAP. Their work evaluates cutting-edge aerospace and sensor technologies to suggest systems capable of capturing high-quality data. This session will discuss what is known about the performance of these objects as well as the methods, challenges and technical work involved in the study of this phenomenon.
Zoom-style speaker event with Shawn Pruchnicki, Chair of the Human Factors Team of AIAA UAP.
Description: The talk will discuss the current state of affairs with UAPs and flight safety hazards that are being seen in both the military and commercial aviation communities. The discussion will then follow on with the stigma associated with reporting these events in both aviation domains and the need for a reporting system that can capture meaningful data of these events that will foster the ability for scientific analysis.
Gallaudet will speak about his findings researching underwater and transmedium UFOs, his military service, and his thoughts on leadership.
See his recent landmark Congressional Testimony this past Nov 2024, a podcast appearance with Ryan Graves, and his Sol Foundation talk for background.
This event served as the inaugural session of a pioneering initiative to elevate the academic discourse surrounding Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), commonly known as UFOs, at a time when the U.S. government had begun taking active steps to provide incontrovertible evidence that alien technology and entities exist and have been present on our planet in contemporary times.
The Yale Student UFO Society’s teach-in represented New Paradigm Institute and Visible College’s commitment to engaging university professors, students, and academic institutions in the global conversation on UAP. NPI and VC sought to integrate scholarly expertise into a public discourse long overshadowed by secrecy, myths, and speculation by hosting teach-ins and fostering rigorous intellectual debate.
Dr. Kevin Knuth (U Albany) 'UFO Physics': Unidentified Aerospace-Undersea Phenomena (UAP). Link to watch.
Danny Sheehan & Jim Garrison (New Paradigm Institute) 'The Truth Will Out': Politics of UAP Disclosure. Links to watch here and here.
Dr. Daniel Stubbings (Cardiff Metropolitan University) & Linda White, LCPC 'Ills We Know Not Of': Mental Health Care for UFO Witnesses (co-sponsored by Yale Student Mental Health Association). Link here to watch.
Dr. Steven Brown (the Ohio State University) 'Method in the Madness': Benevolent Non-Interference. Link here to watch.
Dr. Michael Glawson (College of Charleston) 'Not in Our Stars, But in Ourselves': UFO Disclosure and Citizen Action. Link here to watch.
See this very similar talk he gave at the Sol Foundation.