Summer Session

Yale Summer Session (YSS) provides academically rigorous and innovative undergraduate programs and courses to Yale and visiting students across platforms and around the world during the summer. Yale College students can take Yale courses for credit in New Haven, Online, and Abroad. YSS courses in New Haven and online are offered during two five-week sessions, which typically run from Memorial Day until the beginning of August. Dates for YSS Programs Abroad vary by program. The application for YSS Programs Abroad typically opens around December 15 and closes around February 15, while the application for YSS courses in New Haven and Online typically opens around January 15 and closes three weeks before the start of each session.

Dates for Summer 2024 have not yet been determined, but students can check the YSS webpage for updated information later this fall.

Yale College students typically take courses to fulfill a major requirement, explore new areas of study, or pick up a distributional requirement. The summer after first-year is often an excellent time to take a YSS course or to study abroad! If any of your first-years would like to speak to a YSS academic adviser about courses in New Haven or online, they can write to To make an appointment with an advisor in Study Abroad, go to We especially want first-years to be aware of the opportunities that YSS provides, so we will sponsor a study break for your residential college’s first year class if the FroCo team is interested. Just reach out to, and YSS student representatives will bring snacks and YSS swag to a study break with your fresh where they will be available to answer questions about YSS. Best of luck this year with FroCoing!