The Office of Gender and Campus Culture works to foster positive dynamics within the Yale College community. Drawing upon research on gender disparities in academic and other institutional settings, as well as on effective strategies for creating change, the OGCC collaborates with students, administrators, faculty, and staff from within and beyond the College on a wide range of initiatives using an intersectional lens.
Our current core initiatives focus on addressing sexual misconduct and creating a safer, more respectful sexual culture. We house the Communication and Consent Educator program, known as the CCEs: a large, diverse team of undergraduates who lead workshops, organize events, and work within their own communities to adapt traditional events and dynamics. We have strong partnerships with many other student groups, as well as with our colleagues in the SHARE Center, the University-Wide Committee on Sexual Misconduct, and the Title IX Office. We also share staff with the Alcohol and Other Drugs Harm Reduction Initiative (AODHRI), to ensure close coordination in the two culture-change projects.