We are located in Founders Hall at 135 Prospect Street, across from the gate to Pauli Murray College.
The door to our office is in the vestibule just off Prospect Street opposite the entrances to the Office of LGBTQ Resources and the McDougal Graduate Student Center.
Many of our workshops are held in the CCE Basement (Watson B91), which is accessible through the door in the courtyard between Founders Hall and Watson Hall and at the bottom of the stairs.
For general inquiries, contact the office at gcc@yale.edu.
Janay Garrett | Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, Director of the Office of Gender and Campus Culture | janay.garrett@yale.edu
Caitlin Slattery | Assistant Director of the Office of Gender and Campus Culture | caitlin.slattery@yale.edu
Griffin Berlin | Student Affairs Fellow | griffin.berlin@yale.edu
Madi Cupp-Enyard | Student Affairs Fellow | madison.cupp-enyard@yale.edu
Jerome Walker | Student Affairs Fellow | jerome.walker@yale.edu