Budget Requests

Budget requests are how YDSG-FC allocate funds to student organizations across the academic year. The committee approves the use of funds, based on Yale policies and guidelines, and also ensuring equitable use of funds across all student orgs and their specific needs.

Budget Allocation Explained

Student orgs request funds per semester for each separate event/initiative they are planning. The request is made through the Yale Connect portal of their organizations page.

Student orgs are able to also edit existing budget requests to request less/more funds as they get closer to their event. Deadlines for budget requests in each semester are set each year. See below for these deadlines.

Funds for student orgs rolls over from Fall to Spring; unused funds go back to a central fund for the next semester. You cannot apply funding (total or remaining funds) from one event to another (unless as part of a series.)

Unused funds at the end of Spring semester do not roll over into the next academic year. In order to receive funding, your event must be open to the entire YDS community (your event must be approved on Yale Connect.)

Who Submits a Budget Request

The treasurer of each club should be the main leader that submits a budget request.

As well as requesting funds through Yale Connect, it is the responsibility of each student org's treasurer to manage an off-line budget book, that tracks budgets allocated and actual spending. A template of such budget book can be found here.

When requesting funds, do your research! Budget requests are per event. If you over-budget, you are potentially blocking other student orgs from requesting funds. Any unspent funds for events cannot be released until the next semester.

Budgeting Deadlines

Student organizations must submit in advance their proposed budget for the events and/or initiatives they intend to host. They must submit budget requests by the following deadlines, based on event date ranges:

  1. 1

    Wednesday October 2

    Submit by 4:00 PM.
    For all events between October 10 - November 19.

  2. 2

    Wednesday November 13

    Submit by 4:00 PM.
    For all events between November 20 - January 23.

  3. 3

    Friday January 17

    Submit by 4:00 PM.
    For all events between January 24 - February 25.

  4. 4

    Wednesday February 19

    Submit by 4:00 PM.
    For all events between February 26 - March 26

  5. 5

    Wednesday March 5

    Submit by 4:00 PM.
    For all events between March 27 - April 25.

Budget Request Process

Submit Your Budget Request

Submit all budget requests via Yale Connect (under "Money" feature).

  • A budget request must be made for each separate event/initiative.
  • As much information as possible should be provided, including date, time, location of event, and intended audience size.
  • Each expense should be entered on separate line items within the request (i.e. catering vs. travel etc.)
  • Failure to include all required information will result in your budget request being rejected.

YDSG-FC Reviews Requests

Once the requests have been submitted, the YDSG-FC will review the requests shortly after the deadline and make decisions based on the amounts being requested, alongside policy, process, and best practices. Decisions include:

  • Full approval of request
  • Partial amount of request
  • Rejected approval of request

The student org treasurer will receive an automated email once a decision has been made, detailing the amount that has been approved based on their request. Any decision made by the YDSG-FC is final.

Purchasing Approved Items

One a request is approved; the student organization may then schedule time to pick up the PCard for purchasing from the OSA office. The approved amount will be checked by OSA before you receive the PCard to ensure accuracy.

  • All purchases must be tax-exempt.
  • A receipt must be provided on return of the PCard to OSA for expensing your purchases.
  • If you can only pay by invoice, be in touch with OSA to help facilitate payment.

Do not pay for any items on your personal credit card. YDS does not process student reimbursement. You will not be reimbursed!

Host Your Event! Update Your Book!

Once you've made your purchases and hosted your event, update your offline budget book to ensure you're keeping accurate account of your budgets and transactions.

YDSG-FC or OSA can request to see your budget book at anytime, so keep it up to date!

Download a copy of our preferred template for the offline budget book.

Catering General Allowances


$5-8 per person


$8 per person

Lunches and Light Dinners

$10-14 per person


$15-20 per person